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4 Reasons to Use Checklists

Engineers Connect App - Licensure Feature

August 13, 2021

The Engineers Connect App includes the NCEES checklists in the Licensure feature to help organize the steps required to take the Engineering FE and PE exams. The checklists are actionable and grouped by category. 

Here are 4 reasons to use checklists:

1 - Help to Remember

Don’t want to forget something, the use of a checklist can help minimize mistakes. A written tracking of required steps taken is an easy way to be precise, efficient and straight to the point. When studying for an exam, breaking down specific topics to cover gives us more confidence. 

2 – Stay Organized

Breaking down the steps in the process assures that we are organized and reduces the chance of skipping topics or steps, so fewer mistakes. 

 3 – Motivation

Once tasks are complete and confirmed, this motivate us to take more action and confidence knowing that nothing was missed. 

4 – Safety

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